Introducing Pattrn
May 07, 2012
I’m a COLOURlovers fan. They provide a nice set of simple creative tools that empower a vibrant community to produce awesome design pieces such as patterns, palettes, shapes, colors, etc. It’s a simple yet powerful idea. Inspiring stuff.
I’ve been doing Android-based development for a few months now but I wanted to play a bit more with the platform to get a better grasp on the end-to-end developer experience—from development to distribution. There’s no other way to do that than building an app. This is why I created Pattrn as a weekend project.
Pattrn gives you access to all the patterns created by the COLOURlovers community. You can browse through the latest and most popular patterns and search by keyword or color. You can also keep a list of your favorite patterns and use them as your Android wallpaper. Pattrn is meant to be simple, cute, and snappy.
I’ve just released Pattrn’s first public beta on Google Play. Install it and let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy it!