New Features in Picasso
September 23, 2014
I’ve always been a big fan of Picasso, the Android image loading library by the Square folks. It provides some powerful features with a rather simple API.
Recently, I started working on a set of new features for Picasso that will make it even more awesome: request handlers, request management, and request priorities. These features have all been merged to the main repo now. Let me give you a quick overview of what they enable you to do.
Request Handlers
Picasso supports a wide variety of image sources, from simple resources to content providers, network, and more. Sometimes though, you need to load images in unconventional ways that are not supported by default in Picasso.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily integrate your custom image loading logic with Picasso? That’s what the new request handlers are about. All you need to do is subclass RequestHandler and implement a couple of methods. For example:
public class PonyRequestHandler extends RequestHandler {
private static final String PONY_SCHEME = "pony";
@Override public boolean canHandleRequest(Request data) {
return PONY_SCHEME.equals(data.uri.getScheme());
@Override public Result load(Request data) {
return new Result(somePonyBitmap, MEMORY);
Then you register your request handler when instantiating Picasso:
Picasso picasso = new Picasso.Builder(context)
.addRequestHandler(new PonyHandler())
Voilà! Now Picasso can handle pony URIs:
This pull request also involved rewriting all built-in bitmap loaders on top of the new API. This means you can also override the built-in request handlers if you need to.
Request Management
Even though Picasso handles view recycling, it does so in an inefficient way. For instance, if you do a fling gesture on a ListView, Picasso will keep triggering and canceling requests blindly because there was no way to make it pause/resume requests according to the user interaction. Not anymore!
The new request management APIs allow you to tag associated requests that should be managed together. You can then pause, resume, or cancel requests associated with specific tags. The first thing you have to do is tag your requests as follows:
Then you can pause and resume requests with this tag based on, say, the scroll state of a ListView. For example, Picasso’s sample app now has the following scroll listener:
public class SampleScrollListener implements AbsListView.OnScrollListener {
public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
Picasso picasso = Picasso.with(context);
if (scrollState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE ||
} else {
These APIs give you a much finer control over your image requests. The scroll listener is just the canonical use case.
Request Priorities
It’s very common for images in your Android UI to have different priorities. For instance, you may want to give higher priority to the big hero image in your activity in relation to other secondary images in the same screen.
Up until now, there was no way to hint Picasso about the relative priorities between images. The new priority API allows you to tell Picasso about the intended order of your image requests. You can just do:
These priorities don’t guarantee a specific order, they just tilt the balance in favour of higher-priority requests.
That’s all for now. Big thanks to Jake Wharton and Dimitris Koutsogiorgas for the prompt code and API reviews!
You can try these new APIs now by fetching the latest Picasso code on Github. These features will probably be available in the 2.4 release. Enjoy!